Puygouzon. Summer Bad 2 closes the badminton season

Puygouzon. Summer Bad 2 closes the badminton season
Puygouzon. Summer Bad 2 closes the badminton season

the essential
Two hundred players are registered for Summer Bad 2, the weekend tournament is the last competition that closes an intense season, before a well-deserved vacation.

The volunteers of the UBAA (Union du badminton de l’agglomération Albigeoise) are in full preparation for the second tournament of the year, “Le Summer bad à 2”, it is a doubles tournament. No less than 200 participants are expected in DD/DH/MX from Nationale3 to Non Classé, on July 6 and 7 at the Cayrié gymnasium. It is above all a friendly tournament, with privileged groups of 4, rewarded with gourmet prizes. A summer refreshment bar and a stringing stand will be set up for the occasion. It is part of the last competitions of the season, two hundred badminton players for two days of intense sporting encounters. Two hundred players have registered for the tournament, who come from very different backgrounds, divided between 45 clubs from France which represent 3 leagues, the Aquitaine and Occitanie regions. Come applaud, support and encourage the badminton players during the weekend, access is free to discover badminton.

Records and new features

The club also reached a record number of members, with 240 players, or more than 50 members compared to the previous season. A new website is launched to discover a modern interface, as well as information and news from the club. President Sébastien Prudhomme is finishing his third term of three intense seasons within the UBAA. He is stepping down to make way for a new team. All the members congratulate him and thank him for his unwavering investment. With his team of volunteers, he has developed and progressed the club over the last three years. Among other things, the maintenance of the 3-star youth school, opening to the public with disabilities, the continuous increase in members. If you want to discover this sport or continue to exercise throughout the summer, a summer license is available. The gym will be open on Monday and Thursday evenings during the summer holidays, depending on the availability of volunteers. For the 2024/2025 season, find all the free play and training slots from the age of 5 on the website: www.ubaa.fr, more information: [email protected].



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