TV rights: Ligue 1 for 400ME, Canal+ doesn’t want it

TV rights: Ligue 1 for 400ME, Canal+ doesn’t want it
TV rights: Ligue 1 for 400ME, Canal+ doesn’t want it

It is now July 1st and Ligue 1 still does not have a broadcaster while the championship begins on August 16th. The 18 L1 clubs are holding their breath and there is no sign of a happy ending.

So far, so good. But the important thing is not the fall. It’s the landing. This is probably what Vincent Labrune must be telling himself at the start of a month that will inevitably be decisive. For the president of the Professional Football League, we must now still wait for a possible turnaround from Canal+ or Beinsports, or launch his famous 100% Ligue 1 channel. For Jacques Vendroux, the most experienced sports journalist, it is clear that not only will the price of broadcasting rights for the Ligue 1 championship collapse, but we can also seriously wonder who will dare to launch in the current climate in France. The Europe 1 journalist is rather pessimistic and does not hide the fact that, according to him, the future is very bleak for French football.

Ligue 1 on the brink of the precipice

In an editorial for FootballJacques Vendroux sees no reason to believe in a miracle for the 18 Ligue 1 clubs in such a short time. There is a huge shadow on the horizon: the absence of a broadcaster. Ligue 1 resumes in a month and a half and for now, the screens are black. Black like the future of a good half of the Ligue 1 clubs who tremble at the idea of ​​having to deal without TV rights. We were aiming for a billion, we will consider ourselves lucky if we exceed 400 million… DAZN, Amazon, BeIN, Canal+. Today, everyone has very good reasons not to go there. But who will want to pay the 30 euros per month for the hypothetical LFP channel? “, notes the journalist, who is not the only one to fear a terrible crash for Ligue 1 and a last-minute sale. Given the resumption of the championship scheduled for August 16, the suspense will not last too long.



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