Xavier Pierrot leaves OL and becomes deputy CEO of the Arena

Xavier Pierrot leaves OL and becomes deputy CEO of the Arena
Xavier Pierrot leaves OL and becomes deputy CEO of the Arena

Xavier Pierrot, former deputy general manager in charge of Parc OL (©FD/ OL)

Deputy general manager in charge of Parc OL, Xavier Pierrot left his position to join the Aulas family in its adventure. He became the deputy general manager of the Arena, built a stone’s throw from the Grand Stade.

He will change offices, but he will not need to move far. Present within the OL organization chart since 1999, Xavier Pierrot has turned the page on 25 years of service to the club and will now take on a new role on behalf of the Arena. Deputy General Manager in charge of the Parc OL, the Lyonnais will take on the role of Deputy General Manager in the multi-purpose hall in Décines, just a few meters from the Grand Stade. The main interested party announced this on his social networks this Monday. “I am pleased to inform you that I am joining the LDLC Arena on July 1st as Deputy Managing Director. Thank you to Holnest and all the shareholders for allowing me to take on this challenge, alongside Chairman Alexandre Aulas.”

In fact, this mission is nothing really new for Xavier Pierrot who was already in charge of the Arena with his position within Eagle Football Group (ex-OL Groupe). However, he will now work exclusively for the hall which hosts matches of theASVEL and joined his former boss Jean-Michel Classes. Although he left the reins to his son, the former president of OL acquired, via his family company Holnestthe Arena valued at 160 million euros after John Weaver decided to sell to refocus on first team football.



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