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Stade Toulousain celebrates the Brennus Shield and the European Cup at Place du Capitole, relive the evening

Stade Toulousain celebrates the Brennus Shield and the European Cup at Place du Capitole, relive the evening
Stade Toulousain celebrates the Brennus Shield and the European Cup at Place du Capitole, relive the evening


Lucie Fraisse

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 5:17 p.m.
; updated June 29, 2024 at 9:50 p.m.

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Communion around a 23rd Brennus Shield for Stade Toulousain. Supporters are invited to the Place du Capitole, in Toulouse, this Saturday, June 29, 2024 for welcome returning players of their victorious final against UBB. Relive this festive evening

9:22 p.m. The players leave the Capitol Square.

12,000 people gathered in Place du Capitole this Saturday evening. (©

There were around 13,000 people gathered in Place du Capitole for a wonderful moment of communion with the players.

9:10 p.m. And Antoine Dupont who throws himself into the crowd

9:07 p.m. “We slept for an hour and some didn’t even sleep.”

The double was well celebrated by the Stade Toulousain players! This is what we are told Paul Costes. Asked about the sunglasses worn by almost the entire team, the young player responds with humor.

“Some will tell you it’s for skiing, others will tell you we slept for an hour and some not even that. It’s to hide dark circles!”

As for the Shield of Brennus, let us rest assured “ it’s not broken yet! But we still have a lot of evening left, so it shouldn’t be long! »

Videos: currently on News

8:50 p.m. Ugo Mola and Antoine Dupont on the balcony of the Capitole

A happy coach and captain! The Stade Toulousain players presented the European Cup and the Brennus Shield, Place du Capitole. (©

8:43 p.m. What a great atmosphere!

8:40 p.m. A European Cup, a Brennus Shield and only one team

Brennus Shield, European Cup on the Capitol Square. (©

8:25 p.m. They are here!

They arrived ! (©

Arriving by double-decker bus, emblazoned with “Double Champions”, they are here!

8:02 p.m. “But what happened?” We did the double! »

It is predicted to be the hit of the summer in Toulouse!

8:00 p.m. They arrived safely in Toulouse.

19h53. Portraits de supporters

Did you know ? Supporting Stade Toulousain makes you beautiful! The proof in images with these pretty portraits taken at Place du Capitole by our journalist on site while waiting for the players:

7:50 p.m. A scene at Place du Capitole

This was not the case during the ceremony dedicated to the European Cup (because yes, Stade Toulousain had two titles this year): a stage was installed in the heart of the Place du Capitole.

According to what was indicated to our journalist present on site, the players will first go up to the balcony before coming down to the stage, as close as possible to the supporters. In any case, that’s what’s planned!

7:48 p.m. A little clapping to warm up?


D-day to see the players from #stadetoulousain❤️-


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