Formula 1 | Newey at the center of a game of musical chairs between Ferrari and Aston Martin F1?

Where will Adrian Newey’s next destination be? Ferrari? Aston Martin F1? The beach ? For the moment, F1’s most famous engineer remains silent.

Newey’s future could also be linked to that of… Enrico Cardile. The current technical director of Ferrari, according to several sources in Italy, is announced to be leaving, precisely to go to Aston Martin F1.

He would replace Dan Fallows, the technical director of Aston Martin F1 (himself a former assistant to Newey at Red Bull). Fallows, given Aston Martin’s recent lack of performance, would be demoted to number 2 in technical direction.

Cardile’s departure for Aston Martin F1 would logically free up space for a big man of Newey’s caliber. This could arrive at Ferrari either as technical director or in a consulting role, as currently at Red Bull.

All of this should obviously be taken with a grain of salt.

In short, the game of musical chairs does not only concern drivers, but also engineers in F1, and 2024 is no exception!

Anyway, Adrian’s wife, Amanda Newey, posted a humorous message on social media, to make fun of the rumors. An image that features Adrian with a beer and the following comment: “Adrian told you he was tired and needed a vacation!” »

Krack is flattered by the Newey rumor

Meanwhile, at Aston Martin F1, we still hope to sign Adrian Newey of course.

Mike Krack, the boss of Aston Martin F1, has opened up on this subject. What could make Newey decide to sign for the Silverstone team?

“Well, with this experience, all these results on track, I think Newey is an added value for every team. »

“There’s no denying it and it’s also why we’ve been talking about it for so many months now, because there’s certainly exceptional quality and ability on top of that for any team signing Newey. »

Mike Krack says he is flattered to see Aston Martin F1 being cited as one of Newey’s possible destinations…

“We are really very flattered to be mentioned, to be in the race with Ferrari on this subject. You know, a few years ago, this was unthinkable. »

“It shows how far this project has evolved and also, for me, most importantly, it shows that the project is credible, the media considers it credible, people extremely recognized for their technical skills consider it credible. »

“So, yes, we must congratulate everyone who created this project and who are moving it forward. »

Among these very high-ranking people, is Adrian Newey on the list? We won’t know much more…

Krack wants to appease Alonso

Fernando Alonso recently implied that names were circulating to join Aston Martin F1… without saying more (see our article).

In the meantime, the Spaniard is eager to see Aston Martin F1’s results improve. After the Grand Prix in Barcelona, ​​he made a statement to the press, hoping that his team “talk less and perform more”.

The AMR24 indeed seems restive, especially in long turns and when quickly changing direction in curves.

Problems of which Mike Krack is aware: the boss therefore calls on Fernando Alonso to be patient, because Aston Martin F1 is working…

“That’s one of the problems you have, right now, you don’t have time. You now have five races in six weeks. »

“We understood the car a lot better after Monaco, Imola and Canada, where we scored 14 points with the same car, but it’s about fixing all our problems. We do not have the time. This is the main problem at the moment. »

“So we have to hang on, get the most out of the car every weekend and bring these parts in as quickly as possible. »

The development race is currently lost by Aston Martin F1, but can we have confidence in the next developments? According to Fernando Alonso, yes, particularly from Hungary.

Mike Krack thinks so too…

“I share his optimism. What I have seen is encouraging.”

“We clearly have a better understanding than before. This is also what makes us confident for the future. »

“We will continue to bring in parts as soon as they are ready, starting with the next races. So we shouldn’t just focus on Budapest [contrairement à ce que veut Alonso, ndlr], but we should really try to improve as quickly as possible. »

As for Lawrence Stroll’s patience, isn’t it starting to fade according to the Luxembourger? Isn’t he very demanding?

“Yes, but he also knows how Formula 1 works very well.”

“Even if he is not patient, he knows that manufacturing the parts takes time. So he is aware of everything and it is now up to us to deliver. »



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