sensational with the Blues, Kanté does not rule out the idea of ​​a return to Europe after Saudi Arabia

sensational with the Blues, Kanté does not rule out the idea of ​​a return to Europe after Saudi Arabia
sensational with the Blues, Kanté does not rule out the idea of ​​a return to Europe after Saudi Arabia

Asked this Monday about his future at club aside from his good performances during Euro 2024, N’Golo Kanté remained quite vague. Happy in Saudi Arabia, the midfielder of the France team has not closed the door to a return to Europe before the end of his career.

Many supporters wondered what face N’Golo Kanté would show during Euro 2024. Back in the French team, the 33-year-old midfielder extinguished all doubts about his level of play in just two matches. On the eve of the last Group D duel against Poland (Tuesday at 6 p.m.), the Al-Ittihad player had to answer questions from journalists at a press conference. And in particular that on his future in club and the hypothesis of a return to Europe.

“It’s not over,” said the 2018 world champion straight away. “I think I appreciate the return (to the French team), I have a year that went well in Saudi Arabia . It’s a new football, it’s a new experience.”

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“Not a question I ask myself”

Having left Chelsea for Al-Ittihad during the summer of 2023, N’Golo Kanté had a full season in the Gulf. After returning to the Blues, the midfielder proved that he still had the level to play in a major championship. But if his recent performances in the selection have pleased him, the darling of the French public does not yet seem to imagine returning to Europe.

“Finding these feelings from the French team, it’s true that it’s beautiful, it’s touching and we want to do well,” said N’Golo Kanté to the press.

Before concluding, and potentially shutting down certain rumors about his future: “But that’s not a question I’m asking myself today, really.”

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