An amateur makes LETAS history with three consecutive victories

An amateur makes LETAS history with three consecutive victories
An amateur makes LETAS history with three consecutive victories
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At the Santander Golf Tour – Avila, the young German Helen Briem won a third consecutive tournament on the LETAS. Frenchwoman Ariane Klotz follows in the top 10.


Helen Briem : a name that will quickly have to be remembered. This young German woman has entered the history of LETTUCE this Saturday by pocketing a third victory in as many weeks. After getting your hands on the Montauban Ladies Open and theAmundi Czech Ladies Challengethe 18-year-old golfer this week won the Santander Golf Tour – Avila.

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The native of Nürtingen, south of Stuttgart, gave herself a one-step lead after setting the new course record (62, -10) during the second round, at the same time equaling the lowest score achieved on THE LETTUCE, the second European division. She finished the job in the third round on the Naturavila Golf, west of Madrid, with a card of 70 (-2). The Swedish Kajsa Arwefjall failed at one length.

Helen Briem had already made a strong impression in May on the Ladies European Tour taking 11th place in Amundi German Masters before being beaten in the play-off in Sweden by Perrine Delacour two weeks later.

« Last month couldn’t have gone betterreacted the golfer caddied by her father. It started in Germany, then I almost won in Sweden and had three LET Access wins. It’s amazing, I’m so happy. The support my father has given me is incredible. We started with no intention of one day being a professional but just to have fun together. »

She will represent Germany next week at the European Team Championship.

Third top 10 for Ariane Klotz

Difficult to find a place behind Helen Briem. The French Ariane Klotz still confirmed its excellent start to the season in Spain. The 24-year-old golfer, who turned pro in January, recorded a third consecutive top 10 by taking seventh place in Spain. She therefore climbs to seventh place overall. Chloe Salort (11th) and Lucie André (14th) follow in the top 15 of the event.

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