Paul Magnier: “It’s my fault” – News

Paul Magnier: “It’s my fault” – News
Paul Magnier: “It’s my fault” – News

There will be no third success on this Tour of Italy Hopes for Paul Magnier. At least, not yet. However, a new massive sprint was held this Thursday in the streets of Cremona where a larger crowd than in previous days awaited the athletes. But the Lombard city was less successful for the French than Piedmont the day before. “This time, it didn’t happen. Still, the team worked super hard for me all day. We first had to control the breakaway because it drove fast all the way”analyzes the Soudal Quick-Step sprinter after the fact, to DirectVelo, while five riders opened the road for a long time.

“At the end it was really, really nervous. I couldn’t follow Andrea (Raccagni). It was complicated, I wasn’t in a good place”. The former Trinity Racing member is aware that his pilot fish did the job. “It’s my fault. Andrea was well positioned when he started his sprint. But I wasn’t in his wheel. It was chaotic at the end. I didn’t want to make a mistake either…”.

Finally, during a very tight sprint which took place across the entire width of the road, Paul Magnier finished outside the Top 5 (see ranking). “I am disappointed with my performance and not to get the victory after all this work from the team. That’s how it happens. I’m going to remobilize myself for the next few days”. This Friday, he will of course have no personal ambition during the queen stage of the event, with several climbs listed and an arrival at Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo after a final regular climb of 9 km at 8.6% of medium slope. But he has not said his last word and a final massive sprint could take place on Sunday.



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