De Zerbi’s “impossible dream” takes shape in Marseille

De Zerbi’s “impossible dream” takes shape in Marseille
De Zerbi’s “impossible dream” takes shape in Marseille

In Marseille, one coach’s track can hide another. While the name of the former FC Porto coach, Sergio Conceiçao, released at the beginning of the month by the new president, André Villas-Boas, continues to return to the forefront of the news, another avenue is emerging. gain thickness without anyone seeing it coming. That of the former Brighton coach, Roberto De Zerbi, who activated his departure clause last May.

Discussions with Sergio Conceiçao accelerated at the start of the week, but they have been slipping since. “We take four steps forward and two steps back, then two steps forward and one step back,” regrets those within the Olympian management, who do not feel a crazy desire for the Portuguese to come and coach OM.

“Real determination” from De Zerbi

Unlike De Zerbi, a file that Pablo Longoria has been working on since 2022 when Jorge Sampaoli left but which he considered until now to be an “impossible dream”. Except that the Italian did not join a European big name as many imagined during this transfer window, and he shows “a real determination” to join Marseille since the proposal from the Olympian president.

If Sergio Conceiçao has always been OM’s priority, Pablo Longoria and the Olympian staff now want to complete the arrival of the new coach as quickly as possible. And “the impossible dream” of the president of Olympique de Marseille could quickly become reality.



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