Pleaux. Pleaux: table tennis begins its 7 e saison. The ATTC, the leisure table tennis club, is entering its seventh season. His presence at the Saint-Martin-Valmeroux associations forum made it possible to highlight his activity and promote this sport to the public, who were able to exchange a few balls on the table set up by the club. “The new season looks promising,” says Pascal Piatte, the president. Since the Olympic Games effect was not there, we had to work to attract new players. The distribution in the mailboxes of the LYR’ checkbook issued by the country of Salers is an excellent vector of communication for the club. Our geographical location as well as the presence of the Pleaux college are all assets to attract young people from Cantal and Corrèze.”
And to continue: “In addition to the equipment available, the youth section is now supervised by five to six adult volunteers and should therefore accommodate between sixteen to twenty young table tennis players. This work is paying off since this season again, two young players are joining the adult category (Lauriane Ducros and Baptiste Sellier). Thus the total membership of the club should reach around forty members.”
In terms of entertainment, the ATTC is organizing for its second year a mini interdepartmental leisure championship bringing together four teams (Sarroux-Saint-Julien, Mauriac, Pleaux 1 and Pleaux 2). The club will continue to maintain close and friendly ties with the La Monselie leisure club. In addition, the two Pleaudian teams will meet the teams from Arpajon-sur-Cère in round-trip friendly matches. “The association thus hopes to maintain friendly links with neighboring clubs and build social ties.”
Practical. Pascal Piatte at