PSG – Real Madrid: Masterful rant on Mbappé’s transfer!

PSG – Real Madrid: Masterful rant on Mbappé’s transfer!
PSG – Real Madrid: Masterful rant on Mbappé’s transfer!

Football – Mercato – PSG

PSG – Real Madrid: Masterful rant on Mbappé’s transfer!

Published on June 5, 2024 at 2:00 a.m.

Graduated from School of Journalism in Paris. Specializing in football, and more particularly on the transfer window. Fan of PSG and Stade Français.

Real Madrid finally formalized the signing of Kylian Mbappé on Monday evening, who therefore arrives free after the end of his contract with PSG. Daniel Riolo highlights this major event in Spain by contrasting it with the rather stormy departure of Mbappé in France, and considers that the French striker was not considered at his true value at the end of his Parisian history .

As expected, the Real Madrid formalized early Monday evening the arrival of Kylian Mbappé, who has therefore committed to the Spanish capital for five years. The former number 7 of PSG therefore arrives after seven years at the Parc des Princes, and despite his status as top scorer in the history of the Ile-de-France club, Mbappé experienced a very complicated end to the story with certain PSG supporters. Daniel Riolo also gave a big rant on this subject Monday evening at the microphone of theAfter Footon RMC Sport.

“This country knows nothing about football”

Our enlightened minds in France have taken him for a loser for a year. In this country which knows nothing about football, in this Real club which knows nothing about football, it turns out that today they are on continuous broadcast and that he is welcomed as a star in the same way as Cristiano Ronaldo . This is exactly the impact of the transfer today. (…) We spent a year hearing people call him a loser and considering that it was completely straight. “, coward Riolowho therefore believes that Mbappé was not considered at its fair value due to his choice to leave the PSG for the Real Madrid.

“I saw amazing things”

On social networks, I saw amazing things. Look what’s happening in the media in Spain today, it’s absolutely incredible. In this club which has just been crowned European champion for the 15th time, we consider that this transfer is truly incredible, they are in a trance at this arrival, they consider that a world star is arriving. All the sites crashed, this guy becomes an international star, it’s the same effect as when Ronaldo signs. We found a way to make him spend a shitty year, treating him like a fool, all because of a club president who decided that we had to make him pay for his choices, that’s all. », continues the editorialist of RMC. The message got through…



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