Football: Lucien Dähler and Thun only have one step left to take

Football: Lucien Dähler and Thun only have one step left to take
Football: Lucien Dähler and Thun only have one step left to take

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Undisputed holder of the Bernese club, the Singapore defender could climb into the Super League on Friday evening. The Thounois are in a favorable position when it comes time to face Grasshopper in the second leg of the promotion/relegation play-off.

Lucien Dähler (here in front of Ilyas Chouaref from Sion) and FC Thun are in a favorable position before the second leg of the promotion/relegation play-off between them and Grasshopper. © Keystone

Lucien Dähler (here in front of Ilyas Chouaref from Sion) and FC Thun are in a favorable position before the second leg of the promotion/relegation play-off between them and Grasshopper. © Keystone

Published on 05/30/2024

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

The Swiss football firmament extends its arms to him. Friday evening, Lucien Dähler can climb into the Super League. One last mission nevertheless remains to be accomplished: Thun and his right-back from Singapore (23 years old) must beat Grasshopper in the return match of the promotion/relegation play-off (see also below).

“It’s really incredible to have this possibility,” says Lucien Dähler. An enthusiasm that does not prevent lucidity. “The most important thing for us will be to play our game and not let stress overcome us,” he believes. The pressure is still, a priori, higher on the side of the most successful club in Switzerland (27 times champion): “We have everything to gain while they have everything to lose.”

In full confidence

While they find themselves 90 minutes (or a little more) from seventh heaven, Mauro Lustrinelli’s players can rely on a very solid record. They have, on the one hand, held their own against FC Sion throughout the Challenge League season. If the Oberland club, 2e of the exercise, did not manage to prevent the direct promotion of the Valaisans, he can boast of having beaten them three times and forced them to a draw once.

On the other hand, if we take a look at the previous four seasons, the total points (76) of Thounois would have been more than enough for them to obtain an immediate rise. “What we showed this year gave us a lot of confidence,” rejoices Lucien Dähler. The child from Heitenried, where he still lives, is honest: “I think the way the season went also helped us. The teams ranked in places 3 to 10 took quite a few points from each other.”

Equalization at 97e

An additional reason – and not the least – to be calm: the Bernese came within seconds of a victory at Letzigrund on Sunday, during the first act of the play-off. Grasshopper, penultimate in the Super League – it should be remembered –, equalizing (1-1) from the penalty spot at… 97e minute of play.

“What we showed this year gives us a lot of confidence”
Lucien Dähler

Enough to feed some regrets on the Thun side, but, above all, enough to fuel an already enormous desire to take the last step: “Our goal since the start of the season is clearly to move up and we knew very well before the first leg that we could win this jump-off. Even if for many of us, it is not usual to experience such an encounter. In Zurich, it was not easy. GC had a lot of the ball and corners (19 against… 0 for Thun, editor’s note), but this first result is good for us,” recalls Lucien Dähler.

The fact of playing the return match at home is not insignificant either. “We will have the support of our supporters and our synthetic pitch can also be a small advantage,” remarks the Singinois, who has devoted himself 100% to football since last October.


Only two Thun players have featured more often than Lucien Dähler this season

The latter was started 33 times by coach Mauro Lustrinelli. Only goalkeeper Mateo Matic and defender Marco Bürki spent more time on the pitch than him. The Friborg defender is progressing at great speed alongside them: “There are very experienced players in defense like Bürki, (Jan) Bamert and (Nicola) Sutter. They help me on a daily basis and share their experiences with me.” The No. 37 from Thun only missed three matches in the 2023-2024 edition of the Challenge League. Two due to suspensions (for a double warning each time) and one because it was spared, on the last day.

“Everything can always happen very quickly in football, but you can say that I have made my place this season. I knew that by training well and playing like in the second round of last season, I had a good chance of being fielded,” reveals Lucien Dähler, as confident as his team.


If his presence on the Letzigrund pitch was – you guessed it – obvious, the Singaporean full-back is aware that he still needs to improve in certain areas. “I think I have become a little smarter, but I would still like to take a step forward in defensive tactics. Offensively, I think I still have room for improvement, especially in the final pass.”

Lucien Dähler still delivered two decisive balls this season and shook the net twice too.

A promotion to the elite with the Oberland club would have a very special flavor for the player trained at Team AFF. “I spent over 4 years there as a junior and this is my second year with the first team. Thun gave me the opportunity to show myself and turn pro. It’s a club that means a lot to me.”

In the program

Super League/Challenge League play-off. Return match:

Thun – Grasshopper Fri 8:30 p.m.

GC and the impregnable fortress

Thun is counting on its strength at home to return to the Super League on Friday evening in the return match of the play-off. Grasshopper relies on the courage seen during the first leg. If the Sauterelles can still believe it after the 1-1 obtained last weekend at home, it is also thanks to the eagle eyes of Fedayi San. The video referee and his colleague saw the handball that almost no one else had noticed in stoppage time. Will the penalty converted by Zurich save their season? One thing is certain: this 1-1 makes GC optimistic. “We escaped with a black eye, image Amir Abrashi. But we have to be very careful. It won’t be fun.” Grasshopper must take advantage of his offensive actions more than in the first leg. “We need more presence in the penalty area,” urges the captain. In Thun, the Zurich residents will be able to count on the support of their supporters, who will take their seats on two special trains. According to the Super League club, the 1,800 tickets made available were sold within half an hour.

In the Stockhorn Arena, Grasshopper will have to win – possibly after extra time or penalties – to avoid being relegated to the Challenge League, as in 2019. Problem: The statistics show how difficult it is to win in Thun, who could make his return to the elite after four years on the lower level. Only Lucerne achieved this in the Cup and after extra time. In the league, the Bernese have won 15 of their 18 home matches and conceded 3 draws for a goal average of 45-12.



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