Handball. At only 24 years old, Pauline Le Dret is ready to close the book

Handball. At only 24 years old, Pauline Le Dret is ready to close the book
Handball. At only 24 years old, Pauline Le Dret is ready to close the book


Aline Chatel

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 1:24 p.m.

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“Either way, there will be tears. I hope they will be happy. » Pauline Le Dret is preparing to experience an evening rich in emotions, Saturday May 25, 2024. The Colombelles goalkeeper will complete a long history with her club and handball. The Harnes reception will be his last match before a sporting retirement decided at just 24 years old. It will also constitute a final for maintenance in Nationale 1.

I wouldn’t want to go downhill, I would feel like I was abandoning my team. But this decision was made before all that.

Pauline Le Dret

All of this is an extremely difficult season which has seen Colombelles go from a natural contender for the top 5, which he is at every start, to a candidate for maintenance. First non-relegation, the CLCH will have to beat Harnes – “who will not give up, out of pride” – so as not to depend on the result of Charnay, a small point behind him.

“A treacherous level”

Project manager in events and marketing, Pauline Le Dret could not have written a better dramaturgy to close her personal book. Handball will stop on this last outing.

Professional and personal reasons dictated my choice. My partner, who plays in Nationale 2 in Falaise, is also stopping. The two of us don’t have a single evening in common.

Pauline Le Dret, Colombelles goalkeeper

Player of Nationale 1, the third French level, Pauline Le Dret plays at “a treacherous level”, one which requires a significant investment without allowing her to make a living from her practice. “You have to find a job that combines with handball. In event communication, in my field, it’s complicated. I’m running after all. I hope that in the future, Colombelles will be able to offer professionalization, D2. »

“Life without a hand is a bit scary”

Pauline Le Dret made the decision to stop prematurely during the season. “I did a trek in Morocco with Marie Gagez and Mathilde Ruel in October. We realized that there were other sporting challenges that could be fun. » Nevertheless, the goalkeeper is preparing to take a 180-degree turn.

It’s a little scary life without a hand. I’ve been there since fifth grade. My whole world revolves around handball: couple, friends, family… But I talked about it with those who stopped, they experience it very well. I don’t see why I couldn’t do it.

Pauline Le Dret

This end of his career – “perhaps not definitive” – also marks the end of a seven-year cycle at Colombelles. “I arrived at the same time as Reynaldo (Mazzoli, sacked a few weeks ago, editor’s note). I called him to recruit me. I left Cref, I was in N3 in Troarn, all my friends were in Colombelles. Reynaldo didn’t know me at all. »

“A role like Adil Rami”

After the departures of Anaïs Thépaut and Mathilde Hamel, Pauline Le Dret found herself the sole goalkeeper of the first team. “I had a blast, those were my best seasons when I was all alone. We had the impression, at that time, that handball was easy. » The current season is much more complicated, including on a personal level.

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I took on a different role by being one of the oldest. I’m a bit of a clown too. I am more in advice than in performance, because Victorine (Lepresle) has taken her place in the goals. I have an Adil Rami role at the World Cup (laughing).

Pauline Le Dret

The young woman hopes to properly celebrate the end of a long chapter of her existence this evening, from 8:30 p.m. “I don’t even know how we got back on track, we started playing collectively as we should,” she explains about the last two victories obtained. It’s a shame that Chambray didn’t give up…” At least, the emotion will be great in the event of success against Harnes.

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