Paul, cyclist and activist murdered on the road A cyclist murdered

Article published Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 9:59 p.m.
and updated at 10:00 p.m..

This Tuesday, October 15, 2024 in at the end of the day. Paul, 27, is killed by a motorist. Paul was like all of us. He was pedaling. Like some cyclists, he had decided to campaign within a dedicated association. With the idea of ​​making more room for in our cities. To obtain more respect and consideration from motorists. For political decisions too.

Cycling for a peaceful city

His name was Paul, he pedaled. A young man, who certainly saw in this mode of transport much more than a means of getting around. We can imagine, for Paul, cycling was a different way of exploring the city. A nice way to cross it, to share it, to protect it, to respect it. In a few words, a great way to experience the city.

But this Tuesday evening Paul lost his life on his way. He was on a bike. He was allegedly deliberately hit by an angry motorist. This father could not have tolerated Paul touching his car. Maybe he wouldn’t have tolerated Paul standing up to him. We are not interested in the exact circumstances. We often read in the press “the banal altercation turned into a tragedy“. On the road, in the city, no altercation should turn into a tragedy. Never. Paul is no more and it is a tragedy.

Fighting activist

All the causes defended are a fight. Certain causes, such as more space for cycling, more respect and consideration for cyclists, should never be paid at the price of one’s life. Campaigning for cycling is, we believe here at Weelz, campaigning for life. Being a cycling activist means giving of yourself, your time, your good humor, your expertise. Paul was probably campaigning so that what happened to him would never happen. Activism should never mean losing your life.

To Paul and all the activists

There are as many ways to campaign as there are cyclists. Today, cycling is activism. We dream of this day when cycling will only be a moment of pleasure, joy and life. It will become so, we are certain, thanks to the work, among others, of Paul and all his activists. Today our thoughts turn to Paul, his loved ones, his family. They also turn to all the members of Paris en Selle. We think of all the people who in one way or another give their time and energy to make more room for the bicycle, a simple object. For a peaceful life!

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