Champions League: Ethan Mbappé launched the victory song after LOSC – Real Madrid

Champions League: Ethan Mbappé launched the victory song after LOSC – Real Madrid
Champions League: Ethan Mbappé launched the victory song after LOSC – Real Madrid

Like Hakon Haraldsson and Ngal’ayel Mukau, present with their teammates in the locker room, Ethan Mbappé was also there. Quite a symbol, it was he who launched the song of victory.

“My dream of meeting my brother in the Champions League is fading away but not disappearing…”launched Ethan Mbappé (17 years old), victim of a quadriceps rupture in last Saturday (0-3). In the stands during the reception of Real Madrid this Wednesday, a match counting for the 2nd day of the most prestigious European competition, he lived “a very tough match on an emotional level”confided Bruno Genesio. Returning from injury, his brother Kylian Mbappé quickly appeared on the field (57′) to try to reverse the trend. He entered under the whistles of the Decathlon Arena – Stade Pierre Mauroy, never managing to make the difference. So at the final whistle, when LOSC had achieved a historic feat by surpassing their Madrid opponent (1-0), the disappointment faded and gave way to exhilaration. Ethan Mbappé, like all the Mastiffs, was on cloud nine.

In the euphoria at the final whistle, the LOSC players took time, a lot of time to celebrate their resounding success with their supporters. Ayyoub Bouaddi was obviously celebrated, but he was not the only one. They then headed to the locker rooms where the party began its second act. There, like a symbol, it was Ethan Mbappé who was designated to launch the victory song, that of a historic victory against the title holder, record holder for success in the competition (15) and undefeated since the month of January. The two young elements, Ayyoub Bouaddi and Ethan Mbappé, also concluded this moment of communion with a fraternal embrace. Disappointment therefore gave way to immense joy.



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