Calmont. Young people and children from the Magrin-Parlan bowling school medalists

Calmont. Young people and children from the Magrin-Parlan bowling school medalists
Calmont. Young people and children from the Magrin-Parlan bowling school medalists

Exit the 2024 season of eight-pin bowling, and when it comes time to take stock, it is indeed the performances achieved by the young people and by the children of the bowling school which will remain on the shelves.

At the Aveyron youth category championships, two bronze medals were awarded to the junior teams Maël Lamic-Bastien Aurières in promotion and the teenagers 15, Maëly and Lia Lacassagne in excellence, who therefore qualified for the championships of , in as well as individually in Colombiès. The children of the bowling school, all deserving, did not win departmental titles but two teams of youngsters qualified for the French championships, and two individuals, Simon Enjalbert and Adam Albinet were also able to obtain their qualification for Colombies.

At the end of these competitions, a new title of champion was added to the long list of titles gleaned by their predecessors: Élie Barthes and Simon Enjalbert won the gold medal in juniors, thanks to timely complementarity. , which earned them some strong emotions and unwavering support from their educators, while Mathys Cabal and Adam Albinet finished just off the podium, in fourth place.

Individually, Adam Albinet, for his part, repeated his performance in last year by finishing with a silver medal, this time in juniors. This consistency in high performances is particularly encouraging.

Finally, in terms of seniors, we will highlight the 2nd place of the Lafabrègue team which thus accesses the development and the 3rd place of the Bayol team, in C development, the other teams involved in Elite or in the league, having ensured their maintenance. Individually, special mention for Jean Baptiste Barriac, winner among star players. Now, in this Olympic year, it is time to renew the governing bodies, clubs and committees.



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