IN PICTURES. Torrential rains make Wimbledon lawn unplayable

IN PICTURES. Torrential rains make Wimbledon lawn unplayable
IN PICTURES. Torrential rains make Wimbledon lawn unplayable

In the southwest of London (United Kingdom), huge quantities of water have fallen. The grass of the Wimbledon football team did not survive the torrential rain, which created a real sinkhole in the pitch. The League Cup match against Newcastle, scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, had to be postponed.

In southwest London, huge amounts of water have fallen. The grass of the Wimbledon football team did not survive the torrential rain, which created a real sinkhole in the pitch. | PHOTO: DAN KITWOOD / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP
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In southwest London, huge amounts of water have fallen. The grass of the Wimbledon football team did not survive the torrential rain, which created a real sinkhole in the pitch. | PHOTO: DAN KITWOOD / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP

Newcastle’s classy move

For a club like Wimbledon, such damage will be too costly for the finances of this team playing in the fourth division. In order to finance the repairs, a kitty has been launched to collect 50,000 pounds (nearly €60,000). The opponent who was unable to come to play their match, Newcastle, has decided to pay almost a third of the total needs, with 15,000 pounds (around €16,000).

SEE ALSO. VIDEO. Crazy scenario at the end of the match between Wimbledon and MK Dons, sworn enemies in League Two

The fourth round of the cup will therefore be played at St James’ Park, in Newcastle.



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