Yacine Adli: “It was also the strategy to go to . When you play, you have visibility”

At Zack Nani, the former Girondins de midfielder, Yacine Adliexplained his choice at the time of the Club au Scapulaire, he who came from PSG: it was to have playing time and visibility.

“A young person must play. I prefer a young person who plays in Ligue 2 rather than a young person who doesn’t play for two years at Real Madrid. Yes, you are at Real Madrid, but we don’t see you. A player you don’t see is a useless player. A player who remains without a club for one or two years cannot find a club today. When you look at the list of free players today, there are big names… So you have to understand that when you are young, you have to play, play one match after another, and that was also the strategy of going to Bordeaux. When you play, you have visibility. If you play, they watch you, and that’s what makes Milan behind them, but because I have visibility and they see me play.”

He played… in many positions: 6-8-10.

“I think that today, I am the best in 6-8, in this role of organizer, making the team play. I progressed a lot in Italy, in a very tactical and defensive championship, which gave me another palette. I kept this creativity as an offensive player, and I added this defensive palette, which makes me a more complete player.”

Transcription Girondins4Ever



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