Change of strategy, Kilmer Group will release the checkbook this winter

Change of strategy, Kilmer Group will release the checkbook this winter
Change of strategy, Kilmer Group will release the checkbook this winter

To try to avoid a catastrophic season, ASSE could review its plans during the next winter transfer window and invest massively from January rather than waiting until the summer of 2025. Explanation.

The takeover of ASSE took place in an extraordinary period for the Greens. An epic final sprint in Ligue 2, an unexpected ticket for the play-offs and at the end, an incredible comeback in Ligue 1. Faced with this return to the elite, not planned so early in the program, the new owner organized a major recruitment campaign ( 10 arrivals) but without taking out the checkbook excessively. The Canadian investor first wanted to consolidate the existing situation and wait a season before starting hostilities…

“They will be forced to review their plans”

The problem is that the return to Ligue 1 is going badly. Very bad. ASSE is in the cart with four defeats in five matches and had to suffer one of the biggest defeats in its history against (8-0). “The managers started with the idea of ​​obtaining good support and investing massively next season,” explains the team’s journalist, Bernard Lions. I think they will be forced to review their plans and invest massively during the next winter transfer window, hoping that by then, the Stéphanois will not fall too far behind in the rankings..

Towards a hot transfer window

The next winter transfer window could therefore be hot for ASSE. Like the winter of 2024, the Greens could take advantage of the transfer window to offer themselves decisive reinforcements. Last season, it was clearly winter recruitment that changed everything. Recruits like Irvin Cardona have made the team stronger and more efficient.



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