“It is with great disappointment that I read your front page today.”

“It is with great disappointment that I read your front page today.”

This Monday, September 2, the newspaper Record caused a sensation by running the headline: “Football and I are over”, attributing these comments to Senegalese international defender Saliou Ciss. However, the player quickly reacted to deny this information, stating that he never declared that he was ending his career as a professional footballer.

In a note addressed to the Director of Publication of the newspaper Record, Saliou Ciss expressed his disappointment with this publication. “It was with great disappointment that I read the front page of your newspaper saying: ‘Football and I are over’. I wanted to deny this information and clarify that I never made such comments,” he wrote.

→ ALSO READ: “Football and I are over”: Sad announcement this Monday, an African champion throws in the towel

Saliou Ciss clarified that, during his exchange with the journalist, he had simply responded “don’t talk to me about football” without indicating that he was ending his career. “I never gave an interview to say that I was ending my career as a professional footballer”he added. Currently, he is “on the other side”, taking care of his family, but that does not mean in any way that he is giving up on football.

The Senegalese defender requested an immediate rectification of this erroneous information. “The day I end my career, I will announce it myself,” he said, putting an end to rumors about his possible retirement.

→ ALSO READ: PNational team: New alarming error, Aliou Cissé at the bottom of procrastination

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