The first heavy rain storms will break out this Tuesday in Languedoc

The first heavy rain storms will break out this Tuesday in Languedoc

Weather conditions are deteriorating this Tuesday, September 3 in the Languedoc in Occitania. The first storms Heavy rain and locally strong bursts. Here are the weather forecast assessed.

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Thunderstorms this Tuesday in Languedoc

This Tuesday morning, locally strong thunderstorms are circulating between the Haute-Garonne and the Tarnoverflowing into neighboring departments, particularly towards Aveyron. They can cause hailstorms and violent gusts of wind. At the end of the morning, rain and thunderstorm activity spreads towards the Languedocinitially hitting the department of Herault. Heavy rainstorms break out at midday in the plains of this department and on the reliefs, but they are mobile. In the early afternoon, the storms hit the department of Gardespecially in the plains. Throughout the afternoon of this Tuesday, heavy rain storms, locally accompanied by hailstorms, can still burst between Herault, the Gard, THE Cevennes and the Lozere. The coast is not safe from the risk of thunderstorms but the probability seems lower. In the evening, rain and thunderstorm activity may continue in the North of Gard. Then it shifts to the PACA region at the end of the evening. The lull is emerging in Languedoc and continues throughout the following night.

Low and very heterogeneous accumulations depending on the location

During this first stormy day of the week, the rainfall accumulations will be very heterogeneous and not very significant overall. Under these storms, it will generally fall 10 à 30 mm of precipitation in one hour, locally up to 50 or 80 mm especially in the interior of the Gardon the borders of Ardèche, near the Cévennes and the Cévennes Piedmont but also on the borders of Heraultof Tarn and of Aveyron. The mesoscale meteorological context does not suggest that there will be any slow or stationary phenomena this Tuesday in our region. It will therefore be a fairly classic rain and storm degradationa priori. Not all municipalities will be watered this Tuesday. The storm cells will remain fairly localized, without affecting all of the departments of Hérault and Gard. Some villages may therefore not see any rain this Tuesday!

Mediterranean episode Wednesday and Thursday

For the day of Wednesday September 4, and Mediterranean episode is set up in the Languedoc. Heavy rain and slow moving storms are to be feared between the departments of Herault a you Gard. A priori, it is mainly during the afternoon that the episode will begin. It will continue in the evening, in the night from Wednesday to Thursday or perhaps even Thursday September 5th early in the morning (uncertain). Significant accumulations of rain are to be feared in a short time, of the order of 50 to 80 mm in one hour and 80 to 150 mm in 3 hours or even more so very locally. These accumulations of rain could be recorded both in the plains and on the coast, including therefore in urban areas. Which suggests a risk of heavy runoff and, possibly, of floods.

We will truly be in a Mediterranean episode weather configuration. This means that the plain areas are in the firing line, unlike a Cévennes episode where the precipitation mainly concerns the relief of the Cévennes. A Mediterranean episode results in the formation of torrential and slow moving storms, sometimes stationary, which can last for several hours. Very often, these phenomena are extremely localized, only affecting a few municipalities in a department. Stay informed of the evolution of the weather forecast on InfOccitanieThe editorial team will be fully mobilized this week to keep you informed of developments live weather conditions!

Note that after a probable lull on Friday, a new Mediterranean episode is possible between Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September. Again, the weather forecast is very uncertain at the moment.


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