How the former prime minister became the darling of the left

How the former prime minister became the darling of the left

POLITICS – Special guest. At the Fête de l’Humanité, fans of Calogero, Pomme or Sandra Nkaké will be able to meet activists from various left-wing political parties, and Dominique de Villepin. The former Prime Minister is the guest of a major interview, in public, with journalists from Humanitythis Sunday, September 15 at midday.

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A not so incongruous presence. The festival, an unmissable event of the political season, gives a large place to the debate of ideas in its conferences and major oral presentations. Last year, it was the mayor of Le Havre – and now presidential candidate – Édouard Philippe who took part in a duel with the secretary general of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel.

Sometimes bitter between the two leaders, the exchange was punctuated by waves of boos aimed at the former head of Emmanuel Macron’s government. Few risks this year, as Dominique de Villepin, the man of the ” non ” to the war in Iraq, will play on conquered ground.

A unique voice on the Middle East

For several months, the diplomat, former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac between 2005 and 2007, has become the darling of a part of the left, whose activists and elected officials relay his speeches as so many guilty pleasures. An attraction that dates back to the fall of 2023, and the events in the Middle East, and which can be explained among other things by the international positions defended by Dominique de Villepin, ardent defender of a balanced Gaullist diplomacy.

Relatively discreet until now, the former tenant of Matignon and the Quai d’Orsay made a remarkable media comeback after the terrorist attacks in Israel. On October 12, he invited himself onto France Inter and argued, in a serious tone, that ” Hamas is not the Palestinian people. » That the « political perspective ” is an imperative necessity.

The former head of government also says “surprised by the scale, the horror and the barbarity” of the Hamas attack, but admits that he was not surprised by “ this hatred that was expressed” Since “this open-air prison” what has become of the Gaza Strip.

A speech immediately applauded by France Insoumise, then embroiled in a controversy over the choice of its words, and in particular the description of ” terrorism “But also by several communists or socialists, including the First Secretary Olivier Faure. ” We share with Dominique de Villepin the condemnation of terrorism, solidarity with Israel, the refusal of a response which turns into blind vengeance, because Humanity cannot be divided.”greets the leader of the roses on social networks.

Unexpected ally

After the public service, the former Prime Minister multiplied media interventions, on October 27 on BFMTV, on November 7 on franceinfo or on November 14 on CNews, then LCI or Quotidien on TMC. With always the same flights of fancy… Until these last few days and a new noted diatribe, Thursday on France Inter. Dominique de Villepin is indignant at the silence around Gaza, of the ” biggest historical scandal », dont « no one speaks anymore. »

Guaranteed success on the left, while on the right and in the center, this singular personality, a self-proclaimed Gaullist, has been kept at a distance for several months. After having made a pact with the extreme right, the president of the Republicans Éric Ciotti will go so far as to describe the former head of Jacques Chirac’s government as ” loyal supporter of Hamas. »

On the other hand, the left is happy to find a circumstantial ally in Dominique de Villepin. A way to stamp his speech or his positions with the seal of credibility, and not only on the situation in the Middle East. In July, the former tenant of Matignon called for example to vote in favor of the New Popular Front against the National Rally, before defending the nomination of Lucie Castets to Matignon, in the name of the ” republican tradition ” Contrary to the positions of his political family.

« What De Villepin said was until today considered democratic evidence.Olivier Faure greets again, in unison with the leaders of the alliance of the left, as a thank you. An exchange of kindness, and a new popularity, which does not bother, however, with the opaque and lucrative activities of the former Prime Minister, often accused of maintaining links (of interests) with countries of the Middle East (notably Qatar) through his consulting activity.

Invited on BFMTV and questioned on this subject by Apolline de Malherbe last February, the diplomat retorted, annoyed, that his ” activity is completely linked to two French consulting companies “, to whom he ” provides advice on geopolitical matters, in France and abroad. “We bet that this question will not be the main subject of his interview on Sunday at the Fête de l’Huma.

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