MoDem tries to calm the ardor of the Republicans

MoDem tries to calm the ardor of the Republicans
LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Marc Fesneau photographed at Matignon on July 31 (illustration)

POLITICS – This is what we call a pressure move. This Sunday, September 15, while Prime Minister Michel Barnier is busy putting together his government team, the resigning Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau, also president of the MoDem group in the National Assembly, warns his LR counterparts that they would do better to have reasonable pretensions.

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“When you only have 47 deputies, you cannot impose your policy”warns the Loir-et-Cher MP in an interview given to The Sunday Tribune, while several names are circulating to occupy key portfolios, such as Laurent Wauquiez or Bruno Retailleau, while the secretary general of the Republicans, Annie Genevard, is insistently announced on the side of National Education.

“We need a government balance that takes into account the reality of the National Assembly. However, LR, with its 47 deputies, is behaving in the same way as the New Popular Front, which, this summer, believed that it could impose its policy even if it only had 193 votes.”judges Marc Fesneau, calling on LR parliamentarians to show themselves ” lucid » et « responsible ».

“Neither quota nor reserved area”

And the centrist elected official drove the point home: “They do not have the means for the policy they are calling for. If the French had wanted to have a right-wing policy, they would have elected 289 LR deputies. It is clear that they did not do so.”A warning that comes as several deputies from the former majority are loudly expressing their scepticism about the policy that Michel Barnier could lead.

Clearly, Marc Fesneau is not the only one in his political family who wants to calm the ardor of Laurent Wauquiez’s troops. We all need to respect each other and listen to each other. “, reacted Cyrille Isaac-Sibille, Modem MP for the Rhône. ” Neither the Republican Right nor its project won the elections. There is therefore neither quota nor “reserved domain” that is valid for the Republicans. “, adds Jean-Noël Barrot, vice-president of the MoDem and president of the foreign affairs committee of the National Assembly, in the JDD.

« To ensure the balance of the new government and to ensure its stability and longevity, the weight of this political current cannot exceed that of its group in the National Assembly. “, he also warns, believing that a government ” Anyone who ignores the center will be doomed to failure. “. These statements look like a coordinated offensive and will not make Michel Barnier’s task any easier, while the right is making its support conditional on the establishment of a ” rupture ” with Macronism. All while ostentatiously eyeing the Ministries of the Interior, Justice, National Education and the Economy.

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