She thought her pain was from a hip problem, she actually had ovarian cancer

She thought her pain was from a hip problem, she actually had ovarian cancer

To mark Turquoise September, Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, Alex Macgillivray, a 26-year-old Welsh woman, wanted to share her story to alert other young women to the little-known symptoms of ovarian cancer. At the beginning of the year, the young woman, who suffered from recurring back pain that she attributed to a lack of hip mobility, decided to sign up for yoga classes, which she followed diligently. But while her flexibility improved, the pain intensified.

Doctor suspects appendicitis

In June, she decided to see a doctor, especially since the back pain was now accompanied by bloating and pain in the groin. “I hadn’t changed anything in my diet, I felt that something was wrong,” she explained to the Daily Mail. “My stomach was distended, I looked and felt pregnant.” Suspecting an inflamed appendix, the doctor sent her to the hospital for an ultrasound scan. On the images, the doctors discovered two ovarian germ cell tumors measuring 12 and 8 cm.

A rare type of ovarian cancer

Germ cell tumors, a rare type of ovarian cancer, are more common in women under 30. They develop from germ cells, the cells that create eggs. They represent 5% of ovarian tumors and, in France, they affect around a hundred women (…)

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