In Rennes, private training courses are recruiting from all directions

In Rennes, private training courses are recruiting from all directions

In Rennes, a multitude of private schools dedicated to business professions attract students thanks to apprenticeships. But competition is getting tougher.

In recent years in Rennes, campuses have sprung up like mushrooms in the fall, with their bac + 3 and bac + 5 schools with often abstruse acronyms: PPA (marketing, communication, HR), WIN (sports management), Ipac (events, real estate, banking, etc.), Epsi (IT, cybersecurity), ESG (digital, international trade, auditing, etc.). So many regional offshoots of large private groups in full growth. The latest arrival, Omnes Education, launched four at once a year ago in a completely renovated building, including Inseec, its business school, and Sup de Pub, at more than 8,000 euros per year.

The Omnes Campus in Rennes. Four schools have opened there, including Inseec and Sup de Pub, at more than 8,000 euros per year.

The Omnes Campus in Rennes. Four schools have opened there, including Inseec and Sup de Pub, at more than 8,000 euros per year. Credit: SP

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Bright classrooms, coworking space, cafeteria with table football… And a wide choice of specializations announced in bachelor’s and master’s degrees… even if it means reducing the offer later. Some 350 students signed up in the first year; there will be 600 in September, the majority in work-study programs generally three days a week in large companies such as Beaumanoir (La Halle, Caroll, Quiksilver…) or the business services giant Samsic.

73,000 students for 371,000 inhabitants

Within three years, Omnes is aiming for 2,000 students in the Breton capital. “According to a study by France Stratégie, 462,000 positions will need to be filled in Brittany by 2030, including 13,000 sales executives,” recalls Anne-Sophie Rovire, responsible for corporate relations. “At the start of the school year, we are also opening a BTS in Operational Sales Management as an apprenticeship with the possibility of continuing in the third year at Inseec.”

Games room. The majority of students are on work-study programs, generally three days a week in companies.

Games room. The majority of students are on work-study programs, generally three days a week in companies. Credit: Roxanne Beaufils /Sp

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If the Rennes metropolis has always attracted students – there are 73,000 of them for 371,000 inhabitants[…]


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