“Why do we run?”, a file to be found on our site

“Why do we run?”, a file to be found on our site

On sidewalks, in parks, on mountainsides. Alone or in groups. A smartwatch on their wrist or a smartphone attached to a bicep. Runners trot or dash like rockets. They breathe and, very often, they suffer. But that’s not enough to slow down the crazy spread of the running virus around the world. From the gardens of Melbourne to a Spanish theater stage, from the Chinese marathons to the one in Orlando, find our articles that explore the driving forces behind this global phenomenon.

Report. “Like in a nightclub”: why running groups have conquered the world

Is it the desire to stay in shape? To surpass oneself? Or to meet people? Never have there been so many runners and other joggers around the world. And groups – formal or not – bringing them together. The Sydney Morning Herald investigated.

Technology. Running without posting on social media, is that really running?

Applications, Strava in the lead, which allow you to record your performances are undoubtedly a tool for emulation. But they can also become a trap, that of the obsession with statistics and the gaze of others.

Health. Running strengthens bones, swimming boosts sexuality: what to choose?

The Wall Street Journal interviewed various specialists to compare the health benefits of swimming and running. And we learned that it is important to train gradually.

Health. Running on a theater stage to demonstrate the benefits of sport

To raise awareness of the health benefits of running, a laboratory has taken over a Spanish theatre for a trotting experiment. The Country was there.

Testimony. How I Became an Ethiopian Marathon Runner

In a self-deprecating post published by The Guardianthis British columnist tells how, after seeing an Ethiopian champion cross the finish line in just over 2 hours 20 minutes, she threw herself into running.

[…] - Courrier international


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