Géraldine Lebourgois
Published on
Jan 25, 2025 at 8:44 p.m.
It is in front of 300 guestsrepresentatives of «Forces Vives» of the territory, this Friday January 24in Saint-Lô (Manche), that the president of Manche Departmental Council presented her Wishes for 2025.
Sobriety, adaptation, innovation
At the Maison du Département, Jean Morin developed his speech and his priorities around three “key words”, he said: sobriety, adaptation, innovation.
He started with a glance in the rear view mirror in 2024, the year of the 80th anniversary of the landing and a record of 2.3 million visitors around 6-June, a year rich in events with also the passage From the Olympic flame on May 31, or the French road cycling championships at the end of June, Jean Morin spoke of what “we” are going to do in 2025.
“In 2025, what are we going to do?” »»
“The Channel will still be at the heart of the news,” he said, after stressing that this vows ceremony was wanted “simpler and later” in particular because “I wanted to wait to see more clearly in budget projections. Well, uncertainty always hovers above our heads … I know that the Senate is actively working on the subject. After there will be a joint joint commission, after, the vote in assembly and perhaps … a 49.3 and a censure motion … We are all suspended and worried, because managing our budgets would be much more difficult. This context forces us to place these wishes under the key word of sobriety. »»
The primary concern, for departmental councils in 2025, is not to finish asphyxiated. A strong word used in the call of the presidents of departments of France, at the end of 2024, faced with the project of finance laws as it was then presented by Bercy. A concern still expressed by Jean Morin, supported figures on Friday evening. After a few points of humor, through the suggestion of titles of political fiction series-“the dissolution of June”, “a summer without government” …-it underlines “so many political events which have not been without consequences On our communities, and on well -understood departments, generating questions about the stability of our public accounts and their future. The year 2025 will be placed, for the Channel, under two master words: adaptation and innovation. In these cases, we do with what we have, by looking, working, by reflecting, by bringing together, being carrying ideas. »»
-Despite the uncertainties on finance
The President of the Department recalls the strong budgetary constraints and the dead end to which the choices of the government can lead. Where the operating expenses of the Channel were 33 million euros (M €) in 2024, the revenues dropped at € 4 million, the dreaded “scissor effect” is very present, the net margin s 'Failure of € 37 million in one year, the self -financing capacity goes from € 44 million to € 1.5 million … “I can tell you that there is something not quietly sleeping! »»
In the budget to be completed for 2025 and the political choices to be carried out collectively, the president of the department calls for other approaches, other ways of thinking and organizing, in order to “work better by spending less”. Above all devoted to social action (57 % of the budget), but also to support for territories, infrastructure, attractiveness, the Departmental Council will later submit the projects that can wait and focus on these Priorities, by finding “cheaper solutions” to reduce investments by € 20 million and return to € 80 million, while promising not to make it suffer the quality of services, citing the work carried out to recruit family assistants , also evoking the complete deployment of fiber optics, to one or two percent, and the continuation of road projects “to fluidify traffic”.
Prince Albert of Monaco announced
The major events scheduled by the department:
• Three days devoted to the sustainable management of the coastline, with the continuation of awareness work with the public, with various activities from March 21 to 23, in Granville.
• An invitation to Prince Albert de Monaco: “It will be the tricentenary of the death of his ancestor Jacques (Editor's note Jacques III of Matignon, born in Torigni-sur-Vire on May 28, 1644 and died in Paris on January 12, 1725, knight of Matignon, count of Thorigny, lieutenant general of Basse-Normandie and governor of Cherbourg). He will come with his son Jacques for a ceremony. »»
• Confirmation of holding the official ceremony of the 81th commemorations of the landing in Utah Beach: “My predecessor Marc Lefèvre liked to say 'there is no little anniversary of the landing' and that's true. »»
• Confirmation of the passage from the Tour de France: “I said passage. No departure, no arrival on this section which will travel the Mortanese and discover this beautiful country. »»
And “despite all this greyness”, Jean Morin makes the wish that the Channel confirms his position of “dynamic territory and carrier of the future”.
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