Norbert Tarayre shares his recipe for making your own homemade hot dogs


Want to treat yourself with a quick and easy recipe? Norbert Tarayre reveals his method for preparing homemade hot dogs. Here’s how to do it.

Norbert Tarayre knows many tricks to delight your taste buds. And today, the chef suggests you make “a quick recipe that we all love to eat”: hot dogs. To do this, nothing could be simpler, you just have to follow all the advice of the culinary expert throughout his video published on his eponymous YouTube channel. For Norbert Tarayre, there is no question of opting for industrial sausages, he offers you a 100% homemade preparation since you must prepare everything yourself from the sausage to the sauce that accompanies it as well as the legendary ketchup sauce. Put on your apron and let yourself be guided. Let’s go!

The ingredients

For the sausages:
3 chicken fillets
2 g smoked paprika
2 g sweet pepper
1 egg
1g of dried garlic powder
6 g salt
3 g of powder
40 g breadcrumbs

For the ketchup:
8 cl of pickle vinegar
35 cl of crushed tomato juice
20 g of cornstarch
Sugar to add if necessary

In addition :
Hot dog buns (if possible from a bakery)
Fried onions
Russian Pickles
American mustard

The steps to succeed in this homemade hot dog recipe like Norbert Tarayre

Roughly chop the chicken breasts. Place everything in the blender bowl. Add the spices. Crack an egg into the meat….

Click here to see more

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