These 6 phrases to never say to your partner after a bad day according to relationship experts


We’ve all had those moments when our partner comes home exhausted, overwhelmed by a difficult day. Our first instinct? Try to help them, to console them. However, even with the best intentions in the world, certain phrases can do more harm than good. Wanting to be nice at all costs in a relationship can sometimes do more harm than good. In an article published in the American edition of Huff Postrelationship experts reveal the six phrases to banish when your significant other has had a bad day. Get ready to rediscover the subtle art of comfort with a mix of gentleness and caring listening.

1. “It could be worse”

When we say “It could be worse,” we often try to provide some perspective, but it minimizes our partner’s emotions. In fact, this phrase can imply that their feelings are not legitimate, and that they should put things into perspective. However, comparing them to more serious situations only makes the person concerned feel guilty about their emotions. The advice? Rather than trying to diminish the impact of their day, listen carefully and validate what they are going through.

2. “You should do this”

The “advice-giving” reflex can quickly appear, especially if we want to help our partner get out of a difficult situation. However, when we are overwhelmed by a (…)

- Grazia

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