What is contained in the draft Constitution that was leaked on the networks?
DayFR Euro

What is contained in the draft Constitution that was leaked on the networks?

In Gabon, more is known about the draft Constitution drawn up by members of the National Constitutional Committee, set up after the inclusive national dialogue. According to a draft circulated on social networks and not contested by the authorities, Gabon would opt for a presidential regime.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

According to the project circulated on social networks, candidates for the presidential election must be aged between 35 and 70 years maximum, have resided in Gabon for three years without interruption, be married to a Gabonese man or woman and have mental and physical well-being.

Also readPutsch in Gabon: “The question of the restoration of institutions has been relegated to the background”

The term of office of the President of the Republic is seven years, renewable once, and the draft Constitution specifies that marriage is the union between two persons of different sexes. These last two provisions are intangible and therefore cannot be subject to revision.

Any Gabonese national with another nationality can stand, provided they have renounced it two years before the election.

A temporary vacancy of up to 120 days



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