The 3 favorite books of the writer David Lelait-Helo for the week of September 7

The 3 favorite books of the writer David Lelait-Helo for the week of September 7

Cléo Louvent Johnson will be famous or she will not be. World singing star is her career plan and her life path. And she succeeds! By winning the jackpot – absolute fame and the millions that go with it – she also discovers that the bride is less beautiful than promised. At the top of her game and at the end of her rope, she condemns herself to rest on a desert island, deprived of company and means of communication: the opportunity to take stock and tell us in detail about her fabulous rise. “Extreme notoriety has released the beast in me, merciless and cruel (…) Fame is a spoil of war”, she warns us. At the origin of such a destiny, self-belief, “I am exceptional, but I fear that I will never be allowed to brilliantly demonstrate it”, so she starts writing her songs, a refrain where she says she deserves better than this “little shitty life”, another where she evokes her inability to love. Bingo! Success is coming back, she is ready, she invents a story and cracks, on the networks she plays the humble and nice girl – she is the complete opposite. Her name and her songs are finally on everyone’s lips, she becomes captivating: the table falls silent when she speaks and her mother does not even want her to empty the dishwasher anymore. But her solitude swells in tune with her glory… “The real problem with dreams is when they come true”, what can you want when you have everything? Hadn’t her father warned her: “my daughter, (…)

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