At what age should you start playing sports?

At what age should you start playing sports?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made specific recommendations regarding the minimum duration of physical activity, on a daily basis, according to the age of the child. And even for… infants, since the UN institution recommends, for those who are not yet mobile, to put them each day – in several times – for at least 30 minutes in a ventral position. This is in order to stimulate them through play.

Up to 5 years

Generally speaking, up to the age of five, the recommendations in terms of daily physical activities reach at least 3 hours, regardless of the type and intensity. On the program: active games, walking, running, jumping, throwing, balance games, etc. With, from 3-4 years old, the integration of one hour of moderate to intense activity, each day.

6-7 ans

Club sports are very rarely practiced before the age of 4-5, since few sports federations offer licenses to very young children. While it remains difficult to determine a precise age to start, let’s remember that ” 6 or 7 years seems reasonable, at a rate of 2 to 3 hours per week “, we read in a report from the High Council of Public Health devoted to child development.

Pleasure as a driving force

The authors, however, set a form of condition: ” maintain a playful character excluding at this age and also up to 9 years, the competition “At this age, ” children just have to play “, supports the Gironde psychologist Laurence Roque-Barret. And for good reason, whatever the age, the driving force must remain pleasure, amusement and relaxation.

Associations Forum

And if your child is hesitating between different practices, offer them multi-sport. They will thus discover several activities and will be able to move more willingly towards one or the other tomorrow. This back-to-school season, take advantage of the associations forum, close to you. It is the ideal place to benefit from an exhaustive panorama of the disciplines offered in your area.


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