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Tighter border controls in Germany are not going down well

Tighter border controls in Germany are not going down well

According to the German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeserthis measure, which strengthens controls already in place at certain borders, aims to curb illegal immigration, to protect against the threat of Islamist groups, but also against cross-border crime.

Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusksaid that this measure was unacceptable, and that this decision meant the suspension of the Schengen area on a large scale.

In the coming hours, we will ask other countries that will be affected by these decisions from Berlin to urgently consult on the action to be taken within the European Union on this issue.

Vehicles checked upon entry into Germany in 2020. – AP Photo

The Austrian Minister of the Interior, Gerhard Karnerwas uncompromising and declared that Germany’s decision was illegal, and that Austria would not accept migrants rejected by Germany at its borders.

However, he added that he welcomed the fact that his neighbour was tackling illegal immigration in Europe head-on, which he described as a major problem for Europe.

It is unacceptable that illegal things happen. We live in a state governed by the rule of law and if Germany is planning this, it is an illegal act. Therefore, we will not accept anyone, we will not take anyone back. There is no room for manoeuvre..” he said.

The Schengen zone of Europe allows passport-free travel between member countries, but member states are allowed to introduce border controls if they consider there is a threat to public policy or internal security.

What are the short and long term consequences?

With these border controls, free movement in the Schengen Area is potentially being called into question. Many fear that Germany has opened Pandora’s box, prompting other countries to follow suit in the future for similar reasons.

On the other hand, this decision could have economic consequences, in particular on the movement of heavy goods vehicles and goods between the different European countries which pass through Germany.

Finally the Deutsche BahnGermany’s largest rail operator that runs regional and international trains, said that in June, nearly half of its long-distance trains were delayed, partly because of extreme weather conditions. The upcoming border controls could make the situation worse.


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