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Djibril Sonko elected mayor of Ziguinchor

(APS) – Treasury inspector Djibril Sonko was unanimously elected mayor of Ziguinchor (south) by the 77 councilors who took part in a so-called symbolic vote, APS noted on Thursday at the town hall.

Three members of the municipal council were absent.

Born in Ziguinchor, Djibril Sonko, previously second deputy mayor, completed his middle and secondary education at the Tété-Diédhiou college and the city’s Djignabo high school, then his higher education at the Cheikh-Anta-Diop University (UCAD) in Dakar.

He holds a diploma in advanced studies in international economics from the said university.

According to other members of the municipal council, his experience of about fifteen years as a Treasury inspector gives him a solid understanding of the financial and administrative issues of the town hall of Ziguinchor, one of the largest municipalities in the country.

Djibril Sonko is one of the founding members of Pastef, the ruling party, of which he heads the Ziguinchor departmental section.

Mr. Sonko also teaches economics, public markets in particular, at UCAD and at Assane-Seck University in Ziguinchor.

He led the Family Life Education club at Djignabo high school, the International Association of Economics Students and the student association of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Cheikh-Anta-Diop University.

Djibril Sonko is a member of the Single Union of Treasury Workers, whose demands he was responsible for.

Ousmane Sonko resigned as mayor of Ziguinchor after his appointment as head of government.

He has led the municipality since the local elections in January 2022.

His resignation follows a directive from the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who, to avoid the accumulation of functions, ordered the members of the municipal and departmental councils contacted and having agreed to be part of the government, to resign from their elective functions. .


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