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Big upheaval at M6! After 10 years on the air, a famous cooking show shut down and two others in danger

As the summer holidays approach, the start of the school year is already being prepared in the premises of several television channels. Starting with M6, which organized its conference on Wednesday June 26 to present its schedule for September but also its new features. The opportunity for the channel to broadcast some doubts about the return of certain programslack of audience it seems, but not only.

Ophélie Meunier in difficulty, what next on M6?

The channel has many flagship shows. And don’t panic, they come back well! Viewers will then find new seasons of Love is in the meadow, Married at first sight and Top Chef. For other programs, it is less certain… In particular for two programs launched recently which would be in danger. The first is The Big Weekpresented by Ophélie Meunier since April 6. Every Saturday between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., the host, surrounded by a great group of columnists like Enora Malagré and Philippe Manoeuvre, debates current events. The reason is simple, the audiences are not good : the program is followed on average by 475,000 viewers, or 4.1% of the public… which is perhaps not enough for a renewal next season. On the management side, there are doubts. “We’re going to take stock, it’s too early to say. I can’t say for sure, but I can’t say the opposite either. There are lots of very promising things and we will see if we can still find other things to offer“, explains Guillaume Charles, general director of programs at M6, to Tele-Leisure.

Destination X in danger… Management has doubts

This isn’t the only show in trouble. Indeed, Destination X, broadcast on Thursdays from 9:10 p.m. and played by Philippe Bas since the end of last December, struggles to convince. On average, the entertainment show numbers bring together 1.4 million followers, which represents 18.1% of the public. Here again, M6 has not yet decided on what to do next: “We’re thinking about it but honestly, it’s not sure.“And William Charles,”disappointed“hearings, to continue: “We identified some small weaknesses in the program but we had very good feedback from the program and a lot of fans. We were the second country to launch it, it was brand new so we are impatient to see if there are any developments in the formats developed abroad, particularly in England and the United States.

The end of Objective Top Chef!

Finally, a third show tends to change. Since 2014, with a break in 2017, Philippe Etchebest has been at the helm ofTop Chef objective, a culinary competition where several apprentices compete. The winner of the game then directly joins the casting of Top Chef in Philippe Etchebest’s brigade. Last year, due to lack of time, the famous chef was replaced by two other names in the industry: Juan Arbelaez and Joann Conte. And it was the last ofTop Chef objective. “I think we were perhaps a bit at the end of the story. It happens…specified Guillaume Charles. That doesn’t mean that it will never come back and, in any case, we continue along this line.“And to reassure about cooking shows: “The culinary works very well. With The Best Bakery in France or Everyone in the kitchen, which will come back, we are always looking for new brands and new writings. We also get in touch with regions and people.


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