The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the Kaolack region is very low. it is less than 1%, Dr Niéne Seck, chief medical officer of the Kaolack health district, said this Sunday.
“The Kaolack region has a very low prevalence. It is like at the national level where the prevalence is less than 1%. It is below the national average,” he declared, without specifying the exact figures.
It was during a capacity building workshop for doctors in charge of people living with HIV through the HIVeillir 2 project in Kaolack. “We have care sites at the various health centers and at the regional hospital center. Kaolack is one of the regions where the decentralization of care has been carried out for more than 20 years, we have also had to qualified and competent personnel in the management of HIV With this project, we will integrate the aspects of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and hepatitis. this project”.