This Monday, 5th and 6th grade students from the literary section welcomed representatives of both the journalistic and cultural project. Two teachers, Ludivine Obsomer (literature) and Mélanie Blin (history) will guide young writers towards writing articles on the subjects of their choice. Isabelle Peters presented them with the broad outlines of the show being created, as well as the expectations concerning their participation. Laure Watrin, journalist at The Future – The Courrier de l’Escautspoke in class about the approach, the search for witnesses, the archives, the approach to a subject, interview techniques, writing.
A timeline
Drawn on the board, a time line allowed everyone to identify a few events which marked the history of Belgium: the Bois du Cazier disaster and that of Heysel, the Dutroux affair, the killers of Walloon Brabant, the merger of municipalities… From universal suffrage open to women to broadcasting Bye Bye Belgiummany historical facts were noted by the young people, who had interesting paper material (card game) created by the Maison de la culture. “This project will allow us to open our eyes to real facts, which are part of the collective memory, and to meet witnesses. And perhaps, to move us towards journalism studies,” confides Jeanne, who is in 5th grade.
The meetings and debates promise to be fruitful and require a real commitment which will materialize through interviews, moments of research and writing. A supplement to our newspaper will be produced with the contribution of students from the Sainte-Union de Kain, with a view to the creation, in May, of Maria and the birds.
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