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In his speech, Mr. Hajoui congratulated Mr. Ait Hassou for “the confidence placed in him”, while recalling his rich career and his perfect mastery of public procurement law and its requirements. He also paid tribute to his predecessor, Thami Oulbachafor his efforts and the dedication he has shown in leading the CNCP.
Addressing the new president, the members of the commission and his administrative staff, Mohamed Hajoui recalled the major importance given by the government to this body which, according to him, plays a triple role : support for compliance with regulations relating to public procurement, contribution to responsible management of public funds and participation in the effort to moralize public life.
The Secretary General of the Government highlighted the importance, for a body like the CNCP, of including its study and analysis effort in an approach marked by constancy, which is able to establish and strengthen its credibility with public authorities.
Born in 1968 in the town of Kelaat M’Gouna, Mohamed Ait Hassou holds degrees in civil law, business law and private law. He specializes in administrative litigation and, more particularly, in administrative contracts.
In 2018, he joined the National Public Procurement Commission, where he held several positions of responsibility. In 2019, he was appointed president of the complaints commission. In 2023, he was appointed interim president of this institution.
Since 2019, he has been a member of the executive board of the African Public Procurement Network.
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January 11, 2025 at 7:27 p.m.
Modified January 12, 2025 at 10:05 a.m.