Refusal of two Anderlecht schools to participate in a commemoration of the Shoah: backpedaling, the students will be present

Refusal of two Anderlecht schools to participate in a commemoration of the Shoah: backpedaling, the students will be present
Refusal of two Anderlecht schools to participate in a commemoration of the Shoah: backpedaling, the students will be present

Massive reaction from the MR

This information seriously shocked many representatives of the Reform Movement. The vice-president of the European Parliament Sophie Wilmès, the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez, the future minister-president David Leisterh, the minister of Education Valérie Glatigny… all expressed their deep disappointment and anger at what is happening. seen as an attack on “our values”.

Valérie Glatigny, whose office had been alerted prior to the publication of the La Derniere Heure article, said: “saddened that two schools in Anderlecht refused to participate in a commemoration of the Shoah. The transmission of memory is essential for the education of our children, and it is an integral part of the missions of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.”

Gaëtan van Goidsenhoven, MR leader in Anderlecht and president of the municipal council, asked “strongly that Anderlecht schools do not break with this long tradition”.


The municipality wants to “dispel any misunderstanding”

This Thursday afternoon, Mayor Fabrice Cumps and Alderwoman Luiza Duraki communicated, wishing “clear up any misunderstanding” around the event planned for this Friday in their town. “There was no external pressure on schools in the preparation of this memorial project. In a preliminary analysis, the management considered, in view of the international situation, that it was undoubtedly more prudent to include the approach in a complete educational perspective. Actions in this direction are already planned by schools. However, it appeared to both school management and municipal authorities that it was essential to honor the memory of the victims of anti-Semitism.”

Finally, students from these two schools will be present to witness the installation of the Memory Pavements. “The participation of these students is tangible proof of the importance given to these commemorations and actively contributes to the promotion of living together within the municipal schools of Anderlecht.”continues the municipality.



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