The fingerprint unlocking of the Galaxy S24 has often been considered too slow. Samsung is responding with the One UI 7 beta, an update that promises to improve this essential feature while optimizing its software interface.
Since their launch, the Galaxy S24s have attracted critiques regarding their fingerprint sensor. While this technology is often a major selling point, its operation on the latest high-end Samsung n’a not convinced. Users have reported recurring slownessparticularly frustrating when speed is crucial in everyday situations like mobile payment or access to secure applications.
Pour correct this deficiencySamsung has integrated an optimization into One UI 7, its new interface based on Android 15. This version promises faster unlocking thanks to precise adjustments of ultrasonic sensor. Unlocking will also be accompanied by a new, clearer sounddesigned to reinforce perceived fluidity. This new version of the OS is not only a technical update: it also represents a partial overhaul of the interface, aimed at improve navigation and overall responsiveness.
One UI 7 improves the speed of the Galaxy S24 fingerprint sensor
One UI 7 specifically improves the operation of the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor Galaxy S24s. With this update, the process of unlocking becomes faster and reliable, which will soon eliminate user frustrations. This change puts the fingerprint sensor of this series of smartphones at the level of the best competing models. Unfortunately, only a beta of the OS is available for now, and only for S24 users. However, this allows them to test these improvements before anyone else, while the final version is expected for February 2025.
With this update, Samsung directly addresses a widely reported problem by Galaxy S24 users. By making fingerprint unlocking faster and smoother, the brand seeks to improve a key feature of its devices. The One UI 7 beta offers a preview of the improvements to come, and we will have to wait until the final version is deployed before these optimizations are available on a larger scale.