The consolidated turnover of the Moroccan Therapeutics Company (Sothema), a pharmaceutical laboratory specializing in the production and marketing of drugs and medical devices, recorded an increase of 14.4% in the 3rd quarter of 2024 compared to the 3rd quarter 2023.
According to the company’s quarterly indicators, this turnover increased from 1,782 million dirhams (MMAD) in the 3rd quarter of 2023 to 2,039 MMAD a year later. > announced the managers of this company. They add that this quarter was also characterized by good dynamic activity within clinics, particularly notable in the oncology products segment, thanks to the various calls for tenders won in this category.
In the opinion of Sothema’s management, the company has thus continued its growth momentum, recording a double-digit evolution both in the activity of sales of goods as is (16%) and in the manufacturing and shaping activity (13%), the latter having benefited in particular from the increase in sales of gel syringes. They also believe that several therapeutic areas have experienced sustained growth in their sales, notably diabetology, neuropsychiatry, pain treatment and ophthalmology.
>, suggested the officials of the Moroccan company.
As of September 30, 2024, Sothema has committed investments totaling 41 MMAD, mainly intended to increase production and storage capacities, in line with the Group’s development strategy.
According to the company’s management, while supporting the sustained pace of development of the Group’s activities, net debt which amounts to 609 MMAD as of September 30, 2024, remains under control, preserving a solid and balanced financial structure, with a gearing set at 37.4%.
Oumar Nourou