In Gaza, against a backdrop of humanitarian tragedy, the tenuous hope of a truce is reborn

In Gaza, against a backdrop of humanitarian tragedy, the tenuous hope of a truce is reborn
In Gaza, against a backdrop of humanitarian tragedy, the tenuous hope of a truce is reborn

Published on December 19, 2024 at 07:04. / Modified on December 19, 2024 at 09:21.

3 mins. reading

The negotiations would be “serious and positive”, according to Hamas. Israeli negotiators “have never been closer to an agreement,” according to new Defense Minister Israel Katz. In Doha, where an Israeli delegation arrived on Monday, the hope of a ceasefire, of a release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners is reborn, without much optimism. Until now, all attempts at mediation led by Egypt, the United States and Qatar had failed, since November 2023 and the short truce which allowed the release of 105 hostages and that of 240 Palestinians. At the beginning of November, Qatar even announced that it was suspending its efforts, reproaching the two belligerents for their total lack of desire to succeed. Hamas and the Israeli government blamed each other for these failures.

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