Incidents were noted in the holy city of Touba during the Navétane match between “Rass” and “Ndamatou”. Returning from the match which ended with a resounding victory for “Rass” with a score of 4-2, supporters were unable to contain their joy or their disappointment within the limits of the commune of Mbacké.
Thus, they transgressed the strict instructions established by the Caliph. Alerted by these excesses, the Baayfaal, in significant numbers, quickly reacted. They arrested 134 individuals, who were taken to the headquarters of the disciples of Mame Cheikh Ibra Fall, known as “Baayfaal-Nga”.
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Among those arrested are not only supporters, but also individuals suspected of illicit activities. Some of them were in possession of Indian hemp, drugs or cigarettes. One notable incident involved a supporter in a Peugeot 406, who attempted to force passage by driving into the Baayfaals, endangering their safety.
Negotiations are currently underway to secure the release of the supporters. The case is being closely monitored, and we will continue to provide updates on its developments.
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