Eric Ciotti wants Xavier Bertrand to be excluded from LR, who asks him “what he’s getting involved in”

Eric Ciotti wants Xavier Bertrand to be excluded from LR, who asks him “what he’s getting involved in”
Eric Ciotti wants Xavier Bertrand to be excluded from LR, who asks him “what he’s getting involved in”

The president of the Republicans, who has been contested since his alliance with the RN in view of the second round of the legislative elections, Éric Ciotti, has announced that he is “initiating an exclusion procedure” from the party targeting Xavier Bertrand.

The president of the Republicans, who has been contested since his alliance with the RN, Éric Ciotti, announced on France 2 on Wednesday 3 July that he “will initiate the exclusion procedure” from the party against Xavier Bertrand. He accuses a “small circle” at LR of having “made a secret agreement with Emmanuel Macron”.

The day before, Xavier Bertrand had called for a “government of national revival”. On RMC-BFMTV, the president of the Hauts-de-France region responded this Wednesday that “Éric Ciotti is in the RN”, in reference to the alliance formed by the outgoing deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes with the extreme right for the legislative elections.

“We know why he left for the RN. Because he thought he would get a ministerial position. Car, driver, flashing lights, that’s his life’s dream. So what is he getting involved in, why is he still bringing it up?” Xavier Bertrand continued. “We can see it clearly: he is on Marine Le Pen’s orders to try to create trouble,” he castigated.

Xavier Bertrand calls for a “republican surge”

LR figures have been trying for several weeks to exclude Éric Ciotti from the party, who is contesting the procedure. In the first round, the candidates presented by the party’s “historical channel” obtained 6.57% of the votes, a score that rises to 10.23% when we add the candidates labeled “Miscellaneous right” by the Ministry of the Interior.

“The more elected MPs we have, the more we can ensure that there is a real republican surge and a project. And that we are not condemned to saying to ourselves, it’s either the RN with an absolute majority, or the blockage in the Assembly,” said Xavier Bertrand on RMC-BFMTV.

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