Marrakesh. Sailing and French mission, Moroccan justice has ruled

Marrakesh. Sailing and French mission, Moroccan justice has ruled
Marrakesh. Sailing and French mission, Moroccan justice has ruled

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The Victor Hugo school group must allow the young AC to access its school, with her veil, under penalty of a daily fine of 500 DH. This is what the court of first instance of Marrakech decided on June 21, while ordering the provisional execution of this decision.

The case concerns the case of a young student, AC, who was banned from accessing her school in Marrakech on June 10. According to the petition filed by her mother, the complainant, she received a note from the Victor Hugo school group according to which her daughter was absent and that she was “taken out” of the establishment due to wearing clothing non-compliant.

Three days later, a request was registered at the Marrakech TPI. The mother is suing the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) which is “manager of the Victor Hugo school group”. She demands that the school allow access to her daughter.

For its part, the AEFE “justifies the legitimacy of its decision by respecting the articles of the compulsory internal regulations for the school”, according to which “it is forbidden for any student to wear clothing which refers to their religion” ; without however presenting said regulation to the courts. This is what the Marrakech TPI notes in its judgment, consulted by Médias24.

On the other hand, the defendant presented a collaboration agreement in culture and development, signed in 2003 between Morocco and France. The court considers that this document does not contain any provision which prohibits students from wearing clothing linked to their religion.

In any case, the defendant’s argument does not convince the Marrakech court. It is considered “contrary to international texts” and “national laws relating to the civil rights of individuals that all educational establishments must respect”.

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