Teri Hatcher: after being kicked off a dating site, the star gave up on finding love again


The star admitted that her current life suits her and she doesn’t feel the need to find someone.

Teri Hatcher has “kind of given up” on finding love again.

The 59-year-old actress – who is mum to 26-year-old daughter Emerson with ex-husband Jon Tenney – insisted her “heart is open” to finding a new partner, but she knows he would have to be “really special” to attract her attention because her life as a mother is fulfilling.

She told “Entertainment Tonight”: “I kind of gave up. I don’t want to say it’s final. My heart is open. But, you know, I have lovely friends. I travel, I live experiences. I take care of my parents. I love my cats. I garden. I go to the beach…. It’s a very full life and the truth is that I think that this person, if there is one one day, will have to be really special, you know? Rather than moping around, I chose to put a lot of effort into living the life I want. »

The former Desperate Housewives star tried to find love on dating app Hinge, but she thinks it was “stupid” to use the platform because many people were only interested in her dating status. celebrity, while others thought she was a copycat, leading to her being “kicked” from the site.

She says: “I got kicked out of Hinge. There were enough people I didn’t respond to. I think they got upset and went and complained and said, “There’s someone here claiming to be Teri Hatcher,” and so they just kicked me out.

It was probably stupid to try, but I was sort of trying to say to the universe, “I’m open, I’m not afraid.” That’s what I was trying to do, but I think it’s not the right place for me. »




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