For the rector of the University of Liège, it is time to stop the pro-Palestinian occupation movement and repair the damage

June 21, 2024

In the context of dialogue with pro-Palestinian students, the university believes it has shown that it has no bilateral partnership with Israeli universities and has committed not to enter into any, as long as there are clear violations of the law. international and/or humanitarian will be noted. She also confirmed her commitment to suspend any direct cooperation with partners who would directly contribute to Israel’s acts of war against the Gazan population, or who would openly support the military action of the Netanyahu government, or who would not respect human rights. protected by international law.

After 6 weeks of occupation of part of the building on Place du 20-Août, rector Anne-Sophie Nyssen no longer sees any justification for the camp and suggests in a text that the students concerned take their movement in new directions. This, after having tolerated the occupation of the central building “although it does not correspond to the modalities of free expression and debate of which the university must remain guarantor. (…) Significant human resources, including from the movement itself, were mobilized to ensure compliance with the occupation agreement and the security of the premises; still others will have to be repaired to repair the damage and violations noted.

And to indicate that, the work not being finished, she undertakes to continue it.

Pro-Palestinian students #occupy part of the university premises on August 20

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