Return to Pramont for a very confused Geneva convict

Return to Pramont for a very confused Geneva convict
Return to Pramont for a very confused Geneva convict

Published on June 21, 2024 at 08:46. / Modified on June 21, 2024 at 08:47.

It’s a bit like the world turned upside down. Chris, his assumed first name, is happy to be back at the closed educational center of Pramont (VS) from which he left on April 29, 2023 before finding all his demons. A freedom without a safety net which had transformed into a real descent into hell for this troubled young man who was prone to consuming all kinds of drugs. A delusional speech and threats led the first judges to revoke his parole and order an institutional measure. Having received an appeal, the Court followed the defense and preferred placement for young adults despite the age and unstable psychological state of the person concerned.

In its judgment of June 11, the Criminal Chamber of Appeal and Review of the canton of Geneva pronounces this reinstatement until April 25, 2025, the date of Chris’s 30th birthday. The age limit for such a measure. Until then, the Service for the Application of Sentences and Measures (Sapem) is asked “to anticipate this date” and “to take all steps now to prepare for the release” in order “to prevent a deterioration such as has been observed since his release on parole. The message is clear.

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