Vernier: important research system on the Rhône

Cries of “help” on the Rhône alert the emergency services

Published today at 4:13 p.m.

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Cries of “help” were heard this Thursday on the Rhône, near the Lignon footbridge. An individual, worried by the calls for help from several people on the river, then alerted the police around 10 a.m.

In order to remove any doubts, the police and the Fire and Rescue Service (SIS) dispatched a major search effort. Two boats, three vans and an ambulance were sent to the site.

A helicopter also flew over the area to spot any missing people or swimmers in difficulty. However, no person was found and the resources involved were lifted.

The SIS emergency center indicates that it does not currently know whether a disappearance has been confirmed or not.

Lorraine Fasler has been a journalist at the Tribune de Genève since 2018. Previously, she worked for RTS info. She holds a master’s degree from the Academy of Media and Journalism at the University of Neuchâtel.More informations @LorraineFasler

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