Maxime Prévot says he opposes savings in health care and proposes an alliance: “Vooruit must not be afraid”

The Engagés also do not want to hear about savings in health care, assured Monday the president of the Engagés, Maxime Prévot, on Radio 1.

Vooruit MP and presidential candidate Conner Rousseau issued a warning last week to other parties likely to form an Arizona coalition. The chances of his party entering a government are slim.

At issue: the draconian savings that the N-VA and the MR want to make in health care (by considerably limiting the growth standard) and the refusal of the same parties to make the big fortunes contribute. “Vooruit must not be afraid. The best way to protect health care or avoid right-wing politics is to not leave the field only to the MR and the N-VA. Vooruit, the CD&V and the Engagés must form a counterweight as centrist parties to protect health care and refinance the medical world“, said Mr. Prévot.

The president of the French-speaking centrists also repeated his reservations – not a veto – to see his N-VA counterpart, Bart De Wever, become Prime Minister. The nationalist leader has hurt people in Wallonia with his statements; it is up to him to prove that he can bring the Belgians together, through his words and his ideas, believes Maxime Prévot.

maxim prevot the Engaged elections formation of the government



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